Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dino Day

On March 30th, we went to the Children’s Museum for Dino Day. We started class off with a read loud where we all took turns reading a page of the book. We all stood in a circle and passed the book around. Next, we looked at some images of dinosaur art and shared our thoughts and feelings about. We then learned about prefixes and suffixes that were used to name dinosaurs. With play doh we created our own dinosaur and named it based on it features using the prefixes and suffixes we had learned. After completing our dinosaurs we had the opportunity to meet with some real paleontologist that work at the museum. The paleontologist taught us about how dinosaurs are discovered when they are dug up. He shared with us some of his experiences. Something that was really interesting was the triceratops skull that was in the lab, which we were actually allowed to touch! After our chat with the paleontologist we then got to make a mold of a dinosaur tooth. By using dental plaster, a dinosaur tooth mold, and water we were able to create them. The dental plaster dried rather quickly and gave us our casting within a few minutes. After the tooth mold, we went to the dinosaur art exhibit in the museum and got to see how the interpretations of dinosaurs have changed over time in art. The structures, colors, and size of dinosaurs have changed and it was interesting to see how different artist perceive dinosaurs.

Teaching Strategies Used:
-Visualization thinking:
What do you see/notice in this picture?
Assessing vocabulary
Student Centered
-Multiple Perspectives:
open to unexpected
messy materials
building your own content knowledge

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